
Hello there! So you’ve found me. Whether that is good or bad has yet to be determined. 🙂 I’m a Graphic Designer based in Dayton, OH with about 10 years of experience under my belt. While I don’t consider myself a great writer, I figured trying a blog couldn’t hurt.

So what will I talk about here? Oh, pretty much anything. I will do my best to keep it design related, as that is my passion in life. But as with all of us ADD, er, artsy types, my attention and topics might wander off course.

Sit back, enjoy the posts and let me know how I’m doing. (But only positive comments please, I’m frageelay. Just kidding!)

So this week, I’ll start out with a simple teaser for all my HOWie friends…here’s a top secret photo of the covers I’m doing for the HOWiezine issue 12. Spies went to great lengths to capture this image, so please forgive the poor quality. Enjoy the teaser and keep your eyes peeled for my full write up and reveal of the finished covers coming soon!