Dell’s Unsubscribe Procedure = MAJOR FAIL

A year or so ago I ordered a product that was on sell at through the Dell Business website. Ever since, as one you would expect, I’ve been on their e-mail and paper mailing lists. In my efforts to clean up my inbox, I decided to opt out upon receiving their latest e-mail. What I thought would take a few seconds ended up taking so much longer. There are at least 5 steps and several minutes involved in this process. I’m completely baffled that a large company like Dell doesn’t have a better and faster system in place to unsubscribe people.

Here’s the 5 (Yes, really FIVE steps) that led me to be “unsubscribed”:
First you have to enter your e-mail address…
Once you’ve entered your e-mail address, then you can choose your options to unsubscribe: e-mail, paper mail, phone.
Seriously, I just entered my e-mail address, why do I have to enter it again?!
Surely my e-mail address and my account is linked to my mailing address, why the hell do I have to re-enter my info?
Geez, I hope their system was smart enough to e-mail the correct address so I am actually removed from their mailing list…
Well, it’s been about a week after I went through this way-too-complicated unsubscribe and I now receive more Dell emails than ever. So long to you Dell, you’re now a SPAMMER in my book. Good luck on getting more of my business.