This is part one of a three-part series on my The Sketchbook Project entry.
I decided to enter the Art House Co-Op’s The Sketchbook Project this year based on the link provided by my design friends over at the HOW Design Forum. The great thing about knowing a lot of folks in the design industry is the vast knowledge and resources they can share. The bad part is that you may be like me and want to participate in too much stuff. While I was initially excited by the project, it quickly became clear that this project was bigger than I anticipated. And because I had been so busy during the fall, it was time to start work on it right around the holidays. Whoops!
The basic concept for the project is that when you sign up, you are provided a sketchbook to fill up with images based on a theme. I chose “Storybook” because I’ve always been a fan of myths and fairytales. The provided sketchbook pages were very thin and there were a lot of them: 80 something if I recall correctly…
I spent a bit of time trying to wrap my head around the project and it was evident that I needed to cut the number of pages so I could have a hope of completing the project on time. I also decided to do my book in watercolors and that would require better quality paper.
My first (and easiest) task was to remove the old paper. A few snips with the scissors and the old pages were free from their binding.
My next task was to choose a new paper to add to the sketchbook. I chose Canson’s 140gsm Watercolor paper. It has a great texture and was the right size for the project.
Next up, I figured out the number of pages I wanted my book to be and then I setup and trimmed the sheets to size. I originally figured that I would need 24 total pages (12 sheets), but that number would change…
Next up, and my favorite part, I wanted to do deckled edges. And I had no idea how to make them. So I just figured I’d draw a line where I wanted the edge to be…and luckily the edges of my desk are sharp!
Here’s how the book looked with the new pages inserted…
After all this, I was ready to work on my actual sketches and pages!
Coming next week: ideas, sketches, and freak-outs, oh my!